Tuesday, 25 June 2013


FotoFlexer is the website that totally amazed me. I never heard of it before so I started to do some research on it,uploading pics and doing shitty things you know. And I guess this would be the website I'd be using from now on for quick online photo edits although I have photoshop (licensed,yes).

The interface is mac os inspired and looks great,apart from looks,it has all the features one needs while editing photos,all well categorized under tabs. 

The basics include cutting,cropping,flipping,rotating,removing red eye,auto fix etc. It has got a bunch of effects that you can apply to get quick looks. Again,if you are a small girl who likes to decorate her pictures with quotes,stickers,sparky things and shit,you can do that here.Well,girls,I have a little surprise for you,FotoFlexer has the animated sparkling stars!! yes!! the ones Edward Cullen wears in the twilight!!. It also has the "Layers" feature,the one of its kind which can come in real handy if you are used to photoshop everywhere. And finally the coolest tabs I found, "Geek". In geek you can do crazy stuff with your images like smart resize,smart cutout,curves and morph.

Well the detailed features have been discussed for now and its time to move on to the PROS and CONS.

  • Its a sack full of best features that you'd need to edit photos.
  • It looks simply amazing.
  • It can do incredible editing work for you in no time.
  • Features tutorial videos whereever you'll need help.
  • "I like it!" and so should you.
  • Less filter effects.
  • No frames and borders or clipart kind of things.
  • They need to include easy collages.
OUR RATING : 9.0/10


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